Tuesday, 15 April 2014


So, hi. I'm Bridget, nickname Bridge. I'm a 17 year old kiwi living in Wellington, suffering from POTS. You've probably never heard of it, but it sucks. As a result I have a lot of spare time, and a lot of thoughts racing through my mind, and thought I'd become a part of this online community, since it seems pretty cool. 
Bit about me - I do school mainly from home. I'm interested in art, cooking, quantum physics, music, films - pretty much anything! I like writing, back can't commit to more than a couple of pages. I read an insane amount, classics to YA fiction to science books, I love it all. 
I used to play netball and was a rower for a season, but then I got sick and now I can't do much of that anymore without fainting. Hence the 'spinning' in my blog name - my head is twirling pretty much constantly.
And that's me! I'm excited to start this blog, writing about all sorts of different things. I guess you could consider this a 'lifestyle' blog, but really it's just the life of a sick teenager spending her time bored in her room. I'll try to make it more interesting than that sounds! 
See you later, 

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