Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Time Spenders

I spend around 60% of my time in bed, resting from the other 40% of my time out of bed. It's just what happens when you have a chronic condition! Spending that many hours in bed can make you really really bored, but you're not feeling well enough to do schoolwork or something that involves a lot of thinking. So here are my top 3 time spenders when you are stuck in bed

1. Youtube
I am an avid watcher of youtube videos, especially beauty ones. I'm not particularly into makeup, but any videos about how to make yourself look more awake and alive than you really are can be a great help! Also the girls that film beauty videos are always so upbeat and cheerful, so it's nice to watch and lifts me up when I'm wallowing.

2. Reading
I know a lot of people don't like reading, but I am head-over-heels in love with it. I like a mix of non-fiction, young adult, suspense, and heaps more. At the moment I'm reading The Diary Of Anne Frank, and it's incredible.

3. Brainstorming
Just because you feel crappy now, doesn't mean that you'll feel terrible forever. I like to spend my down time researching POTS, looking for activities that I can do that I'll be able to do, looking up recipes that won't hurt my salt-riddled stomach. I've gotten really close to giving up because of everything I can't do, so it's good when I can see all of the things that I still can do, as it gives me hope.

So there are my top 3! There are lots of other things that I do to keep myself occupied and away from self pity, but these are the easiest. What do you do to keep yourself distracted?

Good luck!

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